MillyThornber1993 10th June 2012

Unexplored Unexposed  Hidden away Behind the door Closed But not right to Leave a little gap to let the light through  This part of my mind is left unread A place where My feet don't tread  At least not very often Its dark take caution Cuz it's cut and bleeding I'm cut and im bleeding Shoutin out Yellin Pleadin My voice travels like a magic carpet  Through this ghost town and back where it started I'm alone Guarded Don't let the outside in cuz I'm inside out Build the wall up Stand up Shout Scream Loud Silence now Don't talk just think  Let the tears fall and smudge in the ink Think about the years don't drown don't sink Keep myself a float by thinking of your smile, Did you kno that I walked 12 miles? It was hard I need to get fitter I did it for you even though I feel bitter I know I shouldn't and I should be proud But it's all for you and your not around Where did you go I can't find ya In this game of hide and seek I'm gettin blinder  I've lost you and I've lost me Lookin for myself but I just can't see Acting like a clown makin them laugh Puttin on an act and wearin the mask Remembering the script and readin the lines All to carry on with this thing called life  Which is what you lost just gone After 8 years it was still so sudden Numb I couldn't register what was real The day we all dreaded was revealed  January 2nd 2012  you left I wept  The memories I kept I cherish they're blessed Anger I repress Depressed At least In peace you rest.